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Mac vs PC

Mac vs. PC: Impact on Your Business IT

When your business relies on a mixture of Apple and IOS solutions, ensuring effective IT support services can prove to be tricky. Apple has certainly seen a rise in sales year on year, as home users and business move to Apple devices.

‘In the third quarter of 2021, Apple Mac computer shipments were at 7.2 million units worldwide, 500 thousand more than in the same quarter in the previous year.’

PCs still have a large market share, but it’s decreasing each year. As of December 2021, Microsoft OS (desktop operating system) had a market share of just under 74%, and according to AppleWorldToday in Q3 2021, Apple held 9.3% of market share, up from 8.5% in 2020.

Many verticals utilise both Macs and PCs for different departments within their business; designers, engineers, architects for example. Macs are seen as the ‘creative industries’ choice. In schools for example, PCs are generally utilised throughout, except for design and creative subjects, where the Mac is often favoured.

What are the business benefits of PCs vs Macs?

Which is hardest to set up and use?

Firstly, hands down, Macs are much easier to use (unless you’re new to them, but it only takes a few days to be proficient, and in this writer’s opinion, to be won over!). Macs work literally straight out of the box, arriving charged and with many standard apps already available.

Anything additional that you need installed is very simple to find and add to your desktop and menus. It’s like a big, sassy iPhone on steroids!  Apple developers are also continuously improving the OS, and send regular updates with better, quicker more powerful tools and updates.

Which is easier to learn? Mac or PC?

PCs are favoured due to the familiarity, and overall use – we all know how to use a PC, no matter our age (well, almost, – under 9s not included). There’s less requirement for training for PC users and also have a much stronger software foundation, they’ve been around longer so there are many more integrations.

There are far more software solutions for PCs than there are for Macs, especially for business users. Apple devices are intuitive, and despite inspiring many competitive mobile device providers to adopt their app delivery of services, Macs are still considered to be hard to learn. As a user of PCs for over 30 years, this writer switched to a Mac last year – and despite initial frustrations while learning the new way to do things, I’d never go back!

Which is easier to update? A Mac or PC?

One of the biggest Mac attractions is the selection of creative tools; they have powerful and innovative solutions that are far better imagined on an Apple device. These apps are updated when a new version is provided by the creator, and the Mac’s operating system (macOS) has regular updates. Big Sur for example had over 13 security updates in 2021 alone. Windows updates are less regular, for example Windows 10 was released in 2015, and Windows 11 in October 2021, however both Mac and PC are easy to update with new programmes.

Supporting Mac and PC reliant businesses

If your business requires both Mac and PC solutions for various functions or departments, you’ll need to ensure your IT support partner has the right skills, knowledge, and experience. Your IT partner will need to know how to manage not only your hardware and infrastructure, but both operating systems too. Providing managed IT for Apple environments and dual environments isn’t something that’s offered by all IT support companies. Working with an IT partner well versed in the creative industries, including verticals such as: music, arts, filmography, gaming, marketing & advertising, photography, graphic design, IT and architecture would be highly beneficial.

Cyber Security for Mac and PC businesses

Ensuring effective cyber security for a workplace is crucial, and for those business with differing operating systems and solutions it’s best to ensure that your chosen IT partner or Managed Service Provider (MSP) has experience building, managing, and ensuring effective cyber security for dual environments.

Finding the right Apple Mac and PC managed support

Guaranteeing your business enlists the right provider to deliver your dual environment managed IT, can be troublesome.  Your chosen IT support partner needs the right balance of expertise for both solutions, as managed IT for Apple environments alongside Windows PCs can be troublesome.

Based in Basingstoke, Rubicon’s professional IT Technicians are well versed in delivering and managing business with both operating systems, offering both Apple Mac and PC managed support services. Many of our clients are already dual solution companies, and as experts in IT support and environments for the creative industries, we can ensure to bring your IT together.

Find out just how we can help your dual environment.

IT Support That Makes The Difference: Choose Rubicon IT in Basingstoke

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In the realm of IT support, especially in Basingstoke, Bramley, and beyond, Rubicon IT proudly stands out as the top choice. We take the lead, committed to ensuring that your IT infrastructure not only meets the demands of today but also lays the foundation for your future aspirations, particularly in Basingstoke. Our dedication to providing cybersecurity, management, and cutting-edge technology solutions that can elevate your daily operations and align with your strategic objectives distinguishes us as the preferred IT partner in Basingstoke.

We take great pride in being your proactive and friendly IT support partners, continuously working towards crafting tailored solutions that perfectly match your unique needs and business goals. By choosing Rubicon IT for your Basingstoke-based IT needs, you can have confidence that your IT requirements are in capable hands. Ready to embark on this journey of IT excellence in Basingstoke? Reach out to us today, and we’re more than prepared to assist you!